![Transportation to NCA](https://cmsv2-assets.apptegy.net/uploads/8735/file/1111917/08e536da-8f4e-4e40-a588-52e9aec46568.png)
Bussing transportation is available to students through their home district. If your student is new to NCA please contact the appropriate district transportation number below to arrange the appropriate transportation. If you do not see your students home district bus garage listed below, you may contact NCA to determine the best transportation options.
*Districts outside of the 30min radius, determined by the home district, are not required to bus students to their community school location. Please Contact NCA for more transportation options
District | Phone Number |
Buckeye Central | 419-492-2993 |
Upper Sandusky | 419-294-1952 |
Mohawk | 419-927-2183 |
Fostoria | 419-436-4105 |
Hopewell-Louden | 419-937-2804 |
New Riegel | 419-535-2256 |
Old Fort | 419-992-4291 |
Tiffin City | 419-447-8729 |
Carey | 419-396-7922 |
Dismissal Times
2:00 pm- Buckeye Central Bus dismissal
2:05 pm- Fostoria, Upper Sandusky, Old Fort, Seneca East and SCAT bus dismissal
2:10 pm- Carey, Mohawk, Hopewell-Louden, New Riegel, and Tiffin City bus dismissal
2:30 pm- Students who drive OR are picked up by parents/guardians dismissed
2023-2024 Transportation Registration Information
Fostoria City Schools | Complete the Student Transportation Request form: All students new and returning should submit this form no later than August 1, 2022. Any requests sent after August 23rd, 2022 will not have bussing until September 20, 2022. Please call the Fostoria City Bus Garage at 419-463-4105 for any questions. |
Hopewell Loudon Schools | Complete this form: All students new and returning should submit this form no later than August 1,2024 Hopewell-Louden Transportation Form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdlBL-8BQu5_Lb8aHNvDFrmlKvaIQiA4OyuxGCCy80EpBGFEw/viewform All students new and returning should submit this form as soon as possible. Please call the Hopewell Louden Transportation Coordinator at 419-937-2216 for any questions. |
Mohawk Local School | Complete this form: https://www.esv2go.com/appcontent/772/formviewer/1197?safeId=84395fde5af943429233b4195f113fe3 All students new and returning should submit this form as soon as possible. Please call the Mohawk Transportation Coordinator at 419-927-2183for any questions. |
Old Fort Local School | Complete this form: All students new and returning should submit this form as soon as possible. Please call the Old Fort Transportation Supervisor at 419-992-4291 for any questions. |
Seneca East Schools | Complete form found at https://www.se-tigers.com/ Only new students or students who have a change in pick up or drop off location should complete this form. Please email Tammy Rogers at trogers@se-tigers.com for any questions. |
Tiffin City Schools | https://www.tiffincityschools.org/about-tcs/departments/transportation Please call the Tiffin City Bus Garage at 419-447-8729 for any questions. |
Upper Sandusky Schools | Families do not need to fill anything out for bussing. Please call the Upper Sandusky Bus Garage at 419-294-1952 for any questions. |
2-Hour Delay Information
When Fostoria City Schools is on a 2-hour delay, the NCA bus will run on a 3-hour delay. Students will be picked up on the west-side of the building by the FJSHS cafeteria doors. The FJSHS bus will depart at 10:30 am.