Why Us

NCA is a Tuition Free Public School serving 7-12 graders in Seneca & adjacent counties

Teachers, Staff and Administration dedicated to student success

NCA offers small class sizes, individualized attention and a personalized course of study

Students at NCA have the opportunity to participate in Career Technical and Work-Based Learning program options, earning credit toward graduation


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Madison Courtney is our student spotlight! Our staff is proud of how she has grown over the years. Madison is a hard-working student who always brings her best to NCA. She is a model student who should be proud to represent the core values of North Central Academy.

- Student Spotlight

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Sean Dezse is our staff spotlight! Sean is always here to help out any staff member or student. Mr Dezse is offering students hand-on activities that inspire them to use creative thinking while exploring the areas of science, technology, engineering and math.

- Staff Spotlight